A sci-fi adventure set during a war between humans and a race of female-dominated immortal reptilians. It has martial arts, space battles, warriors in golden armour, a telepathic mystic, a silver cybernetic seductress, a robot drag queen, giant alien slugs and a psychic mind demon.
Read Issue 1 FREE on Globalcomix
(Issues 1-7 avaialble)
Also available on Gumroad and Amazon Kindle
This group is for for people who love science fiction comics - those who read them and those who make them! Starships, planets, aliens, robots... NO superheroes, no horror, sword/sorcery, let's keep it futuristic and spacey, OUTTA THIS WORLD!
Discussions, reviews, previews, promotions, tutorials, classic and modern, big names and new independent comic writers and artists... This is your place to discover, share and connect.
What are you enjoying at the moment? What is your favourite comic, character, planet, spaceship, species, villain, hero, artist, writer? Let us know why you love what you do.
Feel free to showcase your own work here. Discussions of artistic techniques, production, marketing, all of it is good.
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