Review: Caspian Porter #2

"Yep, I'm gonna die... I'm... going... to... DIE!"

The good news? Caspian Porter, freighter pilot and all-round failure in most of his life's endeavours, has evaded certain death at the hands of the goons working for the powerful man whose wife he drunkenly bedded by falling through a very conveniently located wormhole.

The bad news? He then crash lands on Mars in the year 500 million BC... 

The good news?  The planet back then had a breathable atmosphere and a thriving ecosystem! Who knew?

The bad news? This includes huge, ravenous dinosaurs...

I think you get the picture. Our hero has an unerring capability for lurching from one disaster to the next, only to survive by sheer dumb luck, accompanied by his long-suffering robot companion CRB. 

In the latest instalment: Caspian Porter #2: The Savage Outcasts of Rooster Valley by writer Drew D. Lenhart and artist Juan Fleites, our protagonist - rescued from the aforementioned dinosaurs by a shapely local warrior maiden - is introduced to a community of likewise stranded time travellers, eking out a somewhat rustic existence with very little technology. The natives know how to have fun, though, a popular passtime being jousting.

Yes, jousting. With no horses in evidence, however, they make do with velociraptors. Sometimes you just have to improvise, you know? Hence Caspian finds himself upon the back of a ferocious reptile, clutching a lance and facing off against a muscle-bound opponent who has done this many times before and is already celebrating his impending success against the far-from challenging challenger...

The story continues in much the same vein as it began in issues 0 and 1, with our Joe Very Average somehow surviving all manner of comical mishaps, no thanks to his own efforts. His loyal companion CRB floats at his side offering sage, common sense advice, which Caspian never fails to blithely disregard. 

Fleites illustrates the proceedings with a loose, punchy style, perfectly capturing Caspian's stunning lack of insight into his own inadequacies as he begins his John Carter drama. 

Our hero will surely dodge the Reaper's scythe once more, but how long will his luck hold out?  It seems there are more dangers on Mars than just rampaging reptiles and medieval macho boneheads...


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